My goal for today is to set my goals for 2011. Not just set them, but break them down into daily / weekly / monthly goals so I can nibble away at them until they're done rather than staring at an overwhelming project.
I want to finish Big Dixie by the time I go to Nationals at the end of June. That means I need to complete draft one, The Discovery Draft (a much nicer name than others may give it), by the end of April. I write Single Title, so I need 80-100K words. That's in the range of 350 to 400 pages. I've written page ONE. (Speaking of nibble...)
Starting January 2, I am participating in Kelly L. Stone's 90 Day Writing Challenge. Set a daily goal, do it for 90 days straight. Build a habit. Finish a book.
Simple math, write 1000 words a day and you've got 90K words when it's finished. Hmmm. Ever sit down to write and stare at a blinking cursor for an hour or so? Because some days the well has run dry and others, my cup runneth over, I'm setting 10 day goals, word count-wise. My daily goal will be based on a clock.
90 Day Writing Challenge Goals:
Devote 2 hours every day to writing (research, learning craft, or actual writing).
Every 10 days, I will have 10,000 new words on virtual paper.
I will make this a daily priority, as my goals are not as important to any one else as they are to me.
If I fall short one day, I will get back into it the next day with renewed focus.
If you'd like to join the 90 Day Challenge, visit Kelly's website or visit the 90 Day Writing Challenge on FaceBook.
Happy Writing!
Hi Ava! Thanks for sharing this link. I've already signed up because it fits right into my 2011 goals. I think you and I are on the same page, too. Hugs!