Saturday, August 25, 2012

Double Trick = Double WOOT!

What is a WOOT!, anyway? It's a shout of joy, a more civilized form of SQUEE!

Double Trick was named a FINALIST for the 2012 Northwest Houston RWA's LONE STAR contest!

My La La La sister Jaye Garland (aka 007, the reasons of which will not be divulged here) is a member of NWH and she called last Sunday to share to wonderful news - but I had to keep it under wraps for a little while. Now I'm free to spread the news and SQUEE from the rooftops!

I mean, WOOT!

Happy Writing,


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Great Things...

Double Trick is a WINNER!

Thank you so much to the coordinators and judges of Valley Forge Romance Writers. I am so proud to call the Sheila my first WIN!

Now I'm polishing the manuscript to make it super shiny for the editors who have requested it!

(Yes, I think this news is worthy of all the exclamation points)

Also, check out this cool logo designed by Julia Williams (found her on Etsy - JWilliams creative). I love, love, love it!

Break's over - back to revising :-)

Happy Writing -